
The following boxes provide access to grade-banded and categorized videos and lesson plans. These student-voiced stories and lessons are designed to help promote student engagement, academic achievement, social empathy, and a positive school climate. The lessons assist in creating confident and responsible students who are aware of their skills and talents and who plan for success at the postsecondary level. They consist of developmentally appropriate lessons designed to address academic, personal, interpersonal, and work-ready skills.

Elementary (PreK-2)

Elementary (PreK-2)

Elementary school lesson topics are aimed at preparing students for success in grades PreK-2 and beyond and address social, academic, and peer concerns that are common in early elementary school. Students actively engage with the core 5 lesson pillars through the ready-to-use power point lesson plans and activities for the classroom, which are all focused on teaching the skills necessary to develop positive behaviors.

Elementary (3-5)

Elementary (3-5)

Elementary school lesson topics are aimed at preparing students for success in grades 3-5 and beyond and address social, academic, and peer concerns that are common in elementary school. Students see themselves in the real stories shared by students of similar age. Downloadable lesson plans and discussion questions for the classroom are all focused on teaching the skills necessary to develop positive behaviors.

Middle School

Middle School

Middle school lesson topics are aimed at preparing students for success in middle school and beyond and address social, emotional, academic, and peer concerns that are common in grades 6-8. Students are taught skills and are exposed to information that supports and enhances their school experience and connects the dots of academic success to postsecondary/career opportunities.

High School

High School

High School videos and lessons target the needs of students grades 9 – 12 by supporting them throughout their high school experience and by preparing them to make postsecondary decisions. This content helps students make the connections between high school, postsecondary education, relational success, and career options; encouraging students to focus on success now and in the future.

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