There’s Much Good in Our Schools Too!
Observations from Tammie Workman, Educator in Chief for Connect with Kids Network and Consulting Producer on the documentary Defining US, slated for early 2022 release.
I can agree that there are areas of disagreement between parents and schools. I’ve worked in schools and I’ve worked at district level, so I understand the daily ebb and flow of human interaction. And I, like most of us, also follow the daily news cycle and know about the current issues, including what to teach related to historical accuracy, types of books and content students have access to, how or even if race and identity topics should be covered, and of course, the ongoing debate about COVID-19 guidance and protocols that are in place for schools across the country.
But not all is doom and gloom. In a recent EdWeek article highlighting an Ipsos poll for news organization Axios, parents actually seem to think their schools are doing a fairly good job, at least with Covid-19 protocols anyway.
Respondents were asked to think back across the entire COVID-19 pandemic (since March 2020 to now) and rate whether local schools have done a good or poor job balancing health and safety with other priorities. Seventy-five percent of parents and 71 percent of respondents overall said local schools were doing a very good or somewhat good job.