Stories that Inspire Us

Resources that Transform Us

A Network that Connects Us

Partners that Support Us

Defining US connects the power of media and promise of education to advance social and emotional wellness and create a culture of belonging and inclusion for all youth and adults.
Our feature documentaries, television series, non-fiction narratives, podcasts, and educational short films tell the stories of hidden heroes, students, families, educators, and advocates who have been silenced, dismissed, or ignored. These programs are distributed through media partners, digital platforms, and streaming partners.
Our corresponding, multimedia, evidence-based educational resources provide deeper learning for adults and youth and encourage constructive conversations proven to create positive behavior change. These resources are distributed through PreK -12 schools, colleges and universities, corporate partners, and community organizations.
Join our classroom without walls that opens minds, changes hearts, and helps us all learn how to better understand ourselves and each other in changing times.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. predicted that changing laws would not be enough to unify our nation.
“Morality cannot be legislated,” he said. “Education must play a great role in changing the heart.”
And, it is.
“Education is a revolution of the mind that no one can take away from you.”
Darion Allen, Student